Ots jest pod najnowsza tibie 7.92, w serverze jest duzo opcji takich jak wczytanie na nowo .np config bez restarta, napisanie wiadomosci na czerwono z poziomu servera(nielogujac sie na tibie)i tez zmienianie typu swiata np pvp z poziomu servera polecam.
ACCMAKER na pasach 1/1 jest w nim opcja recovery keya!!
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The Forgotten Server -
- A server developed by Talaturen, Kiper & Ruly -
- SVN From: 2007-02-18 -]
Dev-Cpp Download
- This server doesn't support OTX Maps, only OTBM works.
- This server doesn't support SQLITE and XML, only SQL works.
- This server doesn't have the admin protocol, but it can be added easy from OtServ SVN, removed it because the server has a GUI, but the admin protocol can be useful for people with dedicated servers.
- This server doesn't have MD5 support, removed it because I didn't use it, can also be added easy from OtServ SVN.
Opcje servera...
Version 0.0.1:
protocol 7.9
GUI (Talaturen & Kiper)
Ingame Account Manager which can be disabled from config (Talaturen & Kiper)
Voting System (SuperGillis)
Ingame Highscore System (SuperGillis)
Bug Reporting (Ctrl + Z) (Talaturen)
Private Message open even if player is offline (Talaturen)
Premium Account (Talaturen)
Bug & Debug Reporting (Talaturen)
Time & Writer in readables (Talaturen & Kiper)
Server Save, set time in config.lua (Talaturen)
Time, online, leavehouse, up, down and other commands (Talaturen)
New config.lua structure (Talaturen)
Items to water, tar, lava & swamp (Talaturen)
Rookgaard Trade Channel (Talaturen)
Death Window when you die (Talaturen & Haktivex)
New bag after death (K-Zodron)
Action exhaust hardcoded for all actions (Talaturen)
Version 0.0.2:
Max soul is now possible to set in vocations.xml (Talaturen)
Attack speed is now possible to set in vocations.xml (Talaturen)
Version 0.0.3:
LuaScript function getPlayerPremiumDays(cid). (Talaturen)
LuaScript function doPlayerAddPremiumDays(cid, days). (Talaturen)
Characters created from Account Manager more configureable. (Talaturen)
He/she is a gamemaster.' when you look at gamemaster. (Talaturen)
Price of house displayed on house door. (Talaturen)
Amulet of loss. (Talaturen)
Fixed Account Manager bug. (Talaturen)
Fixed bug when you die, your positions were set to 0. (Talaturen)
Updated to Riedel's monsters (new monsters are now missing) (Riedel)
Added npc.lua function doPromotePlayer(cid) (Talaturen)
Version 0.0.4:
LuaScript function getPlayerTemple(cid). (Talaturen)
LuaScript function doPlayerSetTemple(cid, townid). (Talaturen)
LuaScript function getPlayerMasterPos has been removed. (Talaturen)
LuaScript function doPlayerSetMasterPos has been removed. (Talaturen)
GUI crash when kicing a player that doesn't exist in list fixed. (Talaturen)
Chat channel permissions bug fix. (Talaturen)
Fixed account manager bug. (Talaturen)
Position when looking as gamemaster. (Talaturen)
Soulgain ticks possible to set in vocations.xml. (Talaturen)
Advertisement messages blocked (Ruly)
Version 0.0.5:
Some action scripts fixed. (Talaturen)
Windows working. (Talaturen)
Stone skin amulet now absorbs 80% as it should be. (Kiper)
Improved some codes. (Talaturen)
Removed getPlayerTemple(cid) which now is getPlayerTown(cid). (OtServ SVN, Talaturen)
Removed doPlayerSetTemple(cid, townid) which now is doPlayerSetTown(cid, townid) (OtServ SVN, Talaturen)
Added guildnick to database (players table), must've missed it when I updated structure. (OtServ SVN, Talaturen)
Promotion example (you need to add promoted vocations to vocations.xml). (Talaturen)
Version 0.0.6:
protocol 7.92
Fixed look on legs & boots, no longer displaying article (Talaturen, Kiper & Ruly)
House price each tile is now configureable (Talaturen)
The server now got a small test map (Dunder)
GUI Improvements (Talaturen & Kiper)
Gamemasters see position when looking (Talaturen)
doPlayerAddPremiumDays(cid, days) is now working as it should (Talaturen)
getPlayerPremiumDays(cid) is now working as it should (Talaturen)
Quest System (Kiper)
Buy premium command made by talkactions (Talaturen)
Parcel NPC Example added, also spawned on map (Talaturen)
Updated to protocol 7.92 (Talaturen)
Version 0.0.7:
Using unmoveable items on water will not make the item disappear (Kiper)
newPlayerChooseVoc can be set in config.lua (Talaturen)
Fixed a window which was not working (Talaturen)
Premium Outfits (Talaturen)
Debug chance is now lower than before (Talaturen)
7.92 items.otb and other items.otb improvements (Talaturen)
Party Trumpet, fireworks, improved food system (Talaturen)
Lots of bugs fixed (Talaturen)
Bandays, kills to red, kills to ban configureable (Talaturen)
Cleanups: iomap.h, ioplayer.cpp, ioplayer.h, ioaccount.h, ioaccount.cpp, iomapserialize.cpp, iomapserialize.h, ioban class, housestore & mapstore (files for xml server, unecessary) removed (Talaturen)
Icon (2123976)
Version 0.0.8:
GUI AutoScroll down & cleanups (Talaturen)
Ingame Highscores configureable (Talaturen)
Items.otb improvements (Talaturen)
Improved some actions (Talaturen)
Hotkey Aimbot (Kiper)
Gamemaster see ID on look (Talaturen)
Fixed so Account Manager set the right hp/mana/cap if start level above 1 (Talaturen)
Magic Level is now configureable in account manager (Talaturen)
Some other fixes... (Talaturen)
Account Type can now be set in commands.xml (Talaturen)
Version 0.0.9:
Auto WalkTo item onUse and you are too far away (Talaturen, Kiper)
Commands bug fixed (Talaturen)
Logout bug fixed, now gods can logout with mortal character even if battlesign (Talaturen)
Party hat with effect & a fix in food.lua (Talaturen)
Advanced NPC System (Jiddo)
Alana sio works without param to kickout yourself (Talaturen)
Fixed cancel message bug when using runes (Talaturen)
One player online per account, configureable (Talaturen)
Display if player is online or offline on characterlist as worldname, configureable (Talaturen)
Allow change outfit, configureable (Talaturen)
Not possible to damage player with same lookfeet, configureable (Talaturen)
Fixed cancel message if premium spell and player is not premium (Talaturen)
Version 0.1.0:
WalkTo now fully works (Kiper)
Addskill command (Talaturen)
Undead legion spell (Kiper)
Hangables (Jiddo)
Many fixes (Talaturen)
Addons set to 0 in outfits.xml (addons can be added to players from LUA) (Talaturen)
Ingame Account Manager will now count the experience to the level you set in config.lua (Talaturen)
Fixed Private Chat Channel crash (Talaturen)
Version 0.1.1:
Critical Hit, chance configureable (Talaturen)
Fixed weight on look at some items (Talaturen)
Muted time decrease when you're offline (Talaturen & Kiper)
You can now login on Account Manager with gamemaster mc (Talaturen)
Account Manager Fixes: (Talaturen & Kiper)
SQL Injection fixes
Typo fixes in messages
A character name can now contain the character: '
You can now login to account manager from empty accountnumber/empty password, but 1/1 still works
Fixed some things in the NPC System (Talaturen)
Promotions (Talaturen)
Removed exhausted & exhausted add from config.lua, you now set exhausted time in spells.xml & weapons.xml (Talaturen)
You only have to set promoted vocation names in spells.xml for spells that should be for promoted only, if you set Sorcerer only on a spell then Master Sorcerer will be able to use it aswell (Talaturen)
Version 0.1.2:
Chat channel bug fixed (Talaturen)
Chat channel permissions fixed (Talaturen)
Anti AFK, configureable minutes (Talaturen)
Display gamemasters with online command configureable (Talaturen)
Look on player that got access above 0, will display groupname instead of vocation (Talaturen)
Fixed look on legs and boots so it now will display armor (Talaturen)
Tradeticks, channelticks & yellticks are now conditions and are no longer saved alone in players table (Talaturen)
Fixed recovery key bug, no characters were generated (Kiper)
You can now put hangables on walls with no floor under (Talaturen)
Version 0.1.3:
Fixed some issues with player box (Talaturen & Kiper)
Fixed a bug with idle time, which would make 15 minutes, 15 ms (Talaturen)
Save players from GUI (Talaturen)
Rule Violation Reports | Ctrl + R (Talaturen & El PeeKay)
Commands.xml now using groupid instead of access (Talaturen)
Fixed so you can't drop helmet if you have amulet of loss now (Talaturen)
getPlayerGroupId(cid) (Talaturen)
Fixed so it returns the right message when deleting a character (Talaturen)
Updated NPC System to work after SVN changes (Talaturen)
Writer & date is now loading (Talaturen)
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